253+ Funny Saturday Quotes And Images, Wishes, Messages

“I love Saturdays! It’s like a mini-vacation from all the stress of the week. Too bad it only lasts one day.”

"I love Saturdays! It's like a mini-vacation from all the stress of the week. Too bad it only lasts one day."

“Saturday: the only day of the week where it’s socially acceptable to have breakfast in bed until noon.”

"Saturday: the only day of the week where it's socially acceptable to have breakfast in bed until noon."

“Saturday is my favorite day to pretend I’m productive while actually just binge-watching Netflix.”

"Saturday is my favorite day to pretend I'm productive while actually just binge-watching Netflix."

“Saturday is the day to let your hair down, unless you’re bald, then you just let your head shine.”

"Saturday is the day to let your hair down, unless you're bald, then you just let your head shine."

“Saturday is the perfect day to do everything you wanted to do all week, but didn’t feel like doing.”

"Saturday is the perfect day to do everything you wanted to do all week, but didn't feel like doing."

“Saturday is the day when my bed and I have a serious relationship. Sorry, rest of the world.”

"Saturday is the day when my bed and I have a serious relationship. Sorry, rest of the world."

“Saturday: because even my coffee needs a coffee.”

"Saturday: because even my coffee needs a coffee."

“On Saturdays, I like to sleep in until I’m hungry, then eat until I’m sleepy again.”

"On Saturdays, I like to sleep in until I'm hungry, then eat until I'm sleepy again."

“Saturday mornings are like a superhero: they swoop in to save the week, one coffee at a time.”

"Saturday mornings are like a superhero: they swoop in to save the week, one coffee at a time."

“Saturday: the day I planned to do absolutely nothing, but somehow end up doing everything.”

"Saturday: the day I planned to do absolutely nothing, but somehow end up doing everything."

“Dear Saturday, you are the peanut butter to my jelly. The weekend just wouldn’t be the same without you.”

“Dear Saturday, you are the peanut butter to my jelly. The weekend just wouldn’t be the same without you.”

“Saturdays are like shining beacons of hope in a week filled with adulting.”

“Saturdays are like shining beacons of hope in a week filled with adulting.”

“Life may not be perfect, but we sure can make our Saturdays close to perfection.”

“Life may not be perfect, but we sure can make our Saturdays close to perfection.”

“Saturday is the day to remind yourself that you’re awesome, and the world is lucky to have you.”

“Saturday is the day to remind yourself that you’re awesome, and the world is lucky to have you.”

“Saturdays are for coffee and contemplation… followed by more coffee.”

“Saturdays are for coffee and contemplation… followed by more coffee.”

“Saturday: The day to put on your positive pants and go out into the world… or just stay in bed with your positive pajamas.”

“Saturday: The day to put on your positive pants and go out into the world… or just stay in bed with your positive pajamas.”

“The secret to a successful Saturday: Start with a smile and sprinkle humor throughout the day.”

“The secret to a successful Saturday: Start with a smile and sprinkle humor throughout the day.”

“Saturdays are made for turning dreams into plans, and plans into pajamas.”

“Saturdays are made for turning dreams into plans, and plans into pajamas.”

“Saturday: Because even your pajamas deserve a fun day out.”

“Saturday: Because even your pajamas deserve a fun day out.”

“If you were looking for a sign to do something amazing today, this is it. It’s called Saturday.”

“If you were looking for a sign to do something amazing today, this is it. It’s called Saturday.”

“Hello, Saturday! Let’s be productive… by binge-watching our favorite TV shows.”

“Hello, Saturday! Let’s be productive… by binge-watching our favorite TV shows.”

“Saturdays are like superhero capes for the soul. Wear yours proudly.”

“Saturdays are like superhero capes for the soul. Wear yours proudly.”

“Saturday’s workout: Lifting the remote control and flexing my ‘do not disturb’ face.”

“Saturday’s workout: Lifting the remote control and flexing my ‘do not disturb’ face.”

“The best way to enjoy Saturday is to forget all the ‘shoulds’ and focus on the ‘coulds.’”

“The best way to enjoy Saturday is to forget all the ‘shoulds’ and focus on the ‘coulds.'”

“Saturday: A day to sleep until you’re hungry and eat until you’re sleepy.”

“Saturday: A day to sleep until you’re hungry and eat until you’re sleepy.”

“Dear Saturday, you are my favorite. Sincerely, everyone.”

“Dear Saturday, you are my favorite. Sincerely, everyone.”

“Saturdays are for turning your ‘can’ts’ into ‘cans’ and your ‘shouldn’ts’ into ‘shoulds’…

“Saturdays are for turning your ‘can’ts’ into ‘cans’ and your ‘shouldn’ts’ into ‘shoulds’… unless it’s about getting out of bed too early.”

“Saturday: The day I planned to conquer the world, but decided to stay in bed and watch Netflix instead.”

“Saturday: The day I planned to conquer the world, but decided to stay in bed and watch Netflix instead.”

“Saturdays are for adventures, big and small. Even if the adventure is finding the TV remote.”

“Saturdays are for adventures, big and small. Even if the adventure is finding the TV remote.”

“If Monday is the day that hates us all, Saturday is the day that loves us no matter what.”

“If Monday is the day that hates us all, Saturday is the day that loves us no matter what.”

“Saturday is the day to refuel your soul and laugh at all the things that don’t matter.”

“Saturday is the day to refuel your soul and laugh at all the things that don’t matter.”

“Saturday: Because even your coffee needs a strong start to the weekend.”

“Saturday: Because even your coffee needs a strong start to the weekend.”

“Saturday workdays: The best time to catch up on office gossip and pretend it’s market research.”

“Saturday workdays: The best time to catch up on office gossip and pretend it’s market research.”

“On Saturdays, I like to channel my inner magician, making work disappear by avoiding it altogether.”

“On Saturdays, I like to channel my inner magician, making work disappear by avoiding it altogether.”

“Working on Saturdays is like being trapped in a time loop where the clock only moves in slow motion.”

“Working on Saturdays is like being trapped in a time loop where the clock only moves in slow motion.”

“Saturday workdays: The perfect opportunity to polish my resume while pretending to be busy.”

“Saturday workdays: The perfect opportunity to polish my resume while pretending to be busy.”

“On Saturdays, I am the CEO of multitasking; I simultaneously pretend to work while daydreaming about my weekend plans.”

“On Saturdays, I am the CEO of multitasking; I simultaneously pretend to work while daydreaming about my weekend plans.”

“Saturday is the day when I dress up in my finest pajamas and call it ‘business casual.”

“Saturday is the day when I dress up in my finest pajamas and call it ‘business casual.”

“Saturday workdays: The time when I question all my life choices and wonder why I didn’t become a professional hammock tester.”

“Saturday workdays: The time when I question all my life choices and wonder why I didn’t become a professional hammock tester.”

“On Saturdays, I like to play a game called ‘Let’s see how many times I can say ‘TGIF’ without getting fired.”

“On Saturdays, I like to play a game called ‘Let’s see how many times I can say ‘TGIF’ without getting fired.”

“Working on Saturdays is like trying to swim upstream in a river of weekend vibes. It’s exhausting.”

“Working on Saturdays is like trying to swim upstream in a river of weekend vibes. It’s exhausting.”

“Saturday workdays: Because even superheroes need a side hustle.”

“Saturday workdays: Because even superheroes need a side hustle.”

“On Saturdays, I take ‘working from home’ to a whole new level—the level where I work from my bed.”

“On Saturdays, I take ‘working from home’ to a whole new level the level where I work from my bed.”

“Working on a Saturday is a great way to experience the seven stages of grief in just eight hours.”

“Working on a Saturday is a great way to experience the seven stages of grief in just eight hours.”

“Saturday: The day when I break records in procrastination and still manage to keep my job.”

“Saturday: The day when I break records in procrastination and still manage to keep my job.”

“Saturday workdays are the ultimate test of my acting skills pretending to be productive since 9 a.m.”

“Saturday workdays are the ultimate test of my acting skills pretending to be productive since 9 a.m.”

“On Saturdays, I like to challenge myself by seeing how many coffee breaks I can fit into a single workday.”

“On Saturdays, I like to challenge myself by seeing how many coffee breaks I can fit into a single workday.”

“Weekends are like unicorns at the office everyone talks about them, but no one actually believes they exist.”

“Weekends are like unicorns at the office everyone talks about them, but no one actually believes they exist.”

“Saturday: The perfect time to practice my ninja skills—stealthily avoiding my boss while sipping coffee.”

“Saturday: The perfect time to practice my ninja skills stealthily avoiding my boss while sipping coffee.”

“Saturday is the day when I master the art of looking busy while doing absolutely nothing.”

“Saturday is the day when I master the art of looking busy while doing absolutely nothing.”

“Working on a Saturday is like being the only one invited to a party but not knowing the address.”

“Working on a Saturday is like being the only one invited to a party but not knowing the address.”

“Saturday: The day when I realize I have more motivation to plan my weekend than to finish my work.”

“Saturday: The day when I realize I have more motivation to plan my weekend than to finish my work.”

“On Saturdays, I bring my A-game to work…A-game stands for ‘Avoiding work as much as possible.”

“Saturday at work. Because who doesn’t love combining their two favorite things weekends and spreadsheets?”

“On Saturdays, I transform into a real-life sloth—minus the cuteness and exotic habitat.”

“Saturdays are for deep existential questions like, ‘Why do I always end up eating my feelings?”

“Saturdays are for deep existential questions like, ‘Why do I always end up eating my feelings?”

“Saturday: The day when my aspirations and my reality have a heated debate over who’s in charge.”

“On Saturdays, I turn into a real-life emoji: The one with the face that says, ‘I’d rather be napping.”

“Saturdays are for wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday but pretending they’re ‘lounge chic.”

“Saturday: The day when my brain decides it’s a good time to remember all the embarrassing things I did in middle school.”

“Saturday: The day when my brain decides it’s a good time to remember all the embarrassing things I did in middle school.”

“On Saturdays, I like to play a fun game called ‘How long can I stay in my pajamas?’ Spoiler alert. I always win.”

“Saturdays are the perfect time to practice my art of doing everything except what I should be doing.”

“Saturday: The day when I become a master at avoiding responsibilities without even trying.”

“On Saturdays, I’m an expert at the sport of couch surfing. Gold medal, here I come!”

“On Saturdays, I’m an expert at the sport of couch surfing. Gold medal, here I come!”

“Saturdays are for pretending I have a social life while binge-watching my favorite TV shows.”

“Saturday. the day when I realize my ambitious plans for the day were nothing more than fictional tales I told myself.”

“On Saturdays, I like to contemplate deep life questions, like ‘Is it too early for ice cream?”

“Saturdays are the perfect opportunity to overthink everything I said and did during

“Saturdays are the perfect opportunity to overthink everything I said and did during the week. It’s called self-improvement…or so I tell myself.”

“Saturday: The day when my motivation takes a vacation to a land far, far away.”

“Dear Saturday, please stop reminding me of all the things I should’ve done this week. Sincerely, the Queen of Procrastination.”

“Saturdays are the perfect time to catch up on all the sleep I didn’t get during the week…just kidding, I’ll be awake scrolling through memes.”

“Saturday: The day when I contemplate going for a run but end up running my mouth instead.”

“Saturday: The day when I contemplate going for a run but end up running my mouth instead.”

“Ah, Saturday the day when my body realizes I’m not a morning person, even on weekends.”

“Saturday mornings are the perfect time to reflect on all the things I won’t accomplish today.”

“Saturday is the day when I pretend to be a responsible adult…for about five minutes.”

“Oh, look, it’s Saturday the day that ruins the perfect track record of my laziness.”

“Oh, look, it’s Saturday the day that ruins the perfect track record of my laziness.”

“My Saturday motto: Do less, relax more.”

“Saturday’s mantra: I can do it all… after this nap.”

“If Saturday had a resume, it would list ‘professional relaxer’ as its top skill.”

“Saturdays are for adventures, and by adventures, I mean opening the fridge multiple times.”

“Saturdays are for adventures, and by adventures, I mean opening the fridge multiple times.”

“Saturday: When my life revolves around brunch and bad decisions.”

“Saturday: Because ‘nap-tual’ productivity is my specialty.”

“Saturdays are for living the dream… even if the dream involves Netflix and snacks.”

“Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when

“Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them. Happy Saturday!”

“Saturday is the day I officially declare myself a professional relaxer.”

“Weekends are short; my to-do list is long. Saturday: 1, To-Do List: 0.”

“Let’s taco ’bout how awesome Saturdays are!”

“May your Saturday be as bright as your highlighter!”

“May your Saturday be as bright as your highlighter!”

“Saturday game plan: Do nothing and chillax!”

“On Saturdays, I prefer my pajamas over adulting.”

“Saturdays are like coffee; they give me life!”

“Saturdays are for relaxation, rejuvenation, and, of course, procrastination!”

“Saturdays are for relaxation, rejuvenation, and, of course, procrastination!”

“Saturdays are for making memories… and by memories, I mean memes.”

“Saturday: The only decision you need to make is bottle or glass.”

“I followed my heart, and it led me to the couch on a Saturday.”

“Saturdays are for adventures, and by adventures, I mean naps.”

“Saturdays are for adventures, and by adventures, I mean naps.”

“Saturday: Because ‘Smonday’ is not an option.”

“Sippin’ on Saturday like it’s a second cup of coffee”

“On Saturdays, I’m fluent in the language of Netflix and fluent in the art of doing nothing.”

“Saturdays are for doing everything you couldn’t do during the week…and pretending you’re still productive.”

“Saturdays are for doing everything you couldn’t do during the week…and pretending you’re still productive.”

“Saturday is the day when wearing pants becomes optional. Comfort is king!”

“On Saturdays, I follow the three R’s. Rest, Relax, and Regret not having more snacks.”

“Saturdays are like bubbles of joy in a week full of responsibilities.”

“Saturday: The day when productivity goes undercover and relaxation takes center stage.”

“Saturday: The day when productivity goes undercover and relaxation takes center stage.”

“Saturdays: The official day of ‘I’ll do it tomorrow…or the next Saturday.”

“Saturday is the day when you can eat breakfast at noon and dinner at midnight.”

“Saturdays are made for two things: Laughter and naps. And maybe snacks too.”

“Saturday: The perfect day to dance like nobody’s watching…because they’re all busy brunching.”

“Saturday: The perfect day to dance like nobody’s watching… because they’re all busy brunching.”

“The best Saturdays are the ones that start with no plans and end with great stories.”

“Saturdays are like free samples of happiness; take as many as you can!”

“Saturday: The day when diets and responsibilities take a vacation.”

“Saturdays: The official day of ‘I’ll do it tomorrow…or the next Saturday.”

“Saturdays: The official day of ‘I’ll do it tomorrow… or the next Saturday.”

“Saturdays are for adventures, misadventures, and everything in between.”

“On Saturdays, we wear pajamas and conquer the world from our couch.”

“Saturday is the perfect day to do everything…except adulting.”

“If life gives you lemons, make a margarita and call it Saturday.”

“If life gives you lemons, make a margarita and call it Saturday.”

“Saturday: The day when the snooze button becomes your best friend.”

“Saturdays are like pajamas for the soul.”

“Saturday vibes: Lazy, hazy, and maybe a little bit crazy.”

“Saturday: The only day that starts with ‘S’ and ends with ‘wine.”

“Saturday: The only day that starts with ‘S’ and ends with ‘wine.”

“Happy Saturday! May your day be so amazing that your to-do list gets jealous and decides to take a break too. Cheers to a weekend of relaxation!”

“Hello, Saturday! I hope your day is as awesome as you are, and that’s saying a lot!”

“Wishing you a Saturday filled with so much joy that even your alarm clock smiles.”

“Saturdays are for making your pajamas jealous of your plans.”

“Saturdays are for making your pajamas jealous of your plans.”

“Happy Saturday! May your day be filled with unexpected naps and spontaneous laughter.”

“Saturdays are like pizza: even when they’re not perfect, they’re still pretty awesome.”

“Hello, Saturday! Today’s weather forecast: Lazy with a chance of snacking.”

“May your Saturday be so bright that even your pajamas need sunglasses.”

“May your Saturday be so bright that even your pajamas need sunglasses.”

“Saturdays are the best days for ‘research’ on the couch with snacks and a remote control.”

“Happy Saturday! May your day be as carefree as a balloon floating away from a kid’s hand.”

“Wishing you a Saturday as amazing as the first sip of coffee in the morning.”

“Saturdays are like mini-vacations for your soul, with bonus snacks.”

“Saturdays are like mini-vacations for your soul, with bonus snacks.”

“May your Saturday be filled with so much relaxation that you forget what day it is.”

“Saturdays are for adventures, so I’m going on a quest to find the nearest snack.”

“Happy Saturday! May your day be filled with so much laughter that your abs start to look amazing.”

“Wishing you a Saturday as joyful as a kid in a candy store, but with fewer cavities.”

“Wishing you a Saturday as joyful as a kid in a candy store, but with fewer cavities.”

“Hello, Saturday! Today’s goal: To be as productive as a cat in a sunbeam.”

“May your Saturday be as relaxing as a sloth on a hammock.”

“Happy Saturday! If you see me talking to myself today, just know I’m having a staff meeting with all my imaginary friends.”

“Cheers to a Saturday so good that even your coffee needs coffee!”

“Cheers to a Saturday so good that even your coffee needs coffee!”

“Saturdays are proof that you don’t always need a plan. Sometimes, you just need pajamas and a couch.”

“Happy Saturday! May your coffee be strong, your to-do list be short, and your pajamas be comfy.”

“Saturdays are the jackpot at the end of a week-long treasure hunt a reward for making it through the challenges of the past days.”

“Saturday is the day when time becomes elastic, stretching out to accommodate all the fun and relaxation you desire.”

“Saturday is the day when time becomes elastic, stretching out to accommodate all the fun and relaxation you desire.”

“If Saturdays were weather, they would be a perfect summer day warm, breezy, and filled with a sense of endless bliss.”

“Saturdays are the world’s way of saying, ‘You survived the week; now go and have a blast!”

“Saturday is the day when your inner child gets a hall pass to run wild and set your imagination on fire.”

“If Saturdays were colors, they would be a vibrant mix of sunshine yellow and sky blue

“If Saturdays were colors, they would be a vibrant mix of sunshine yellow and sky blue, creating a palette of endless possibilities.”

“Saturdays are the blank canvas on which you paint the masterpiece of your weekend.”

“Saturday is the day when alarm clocks and deadlines go on strike, leaving you to bask in the glory of freedom.”

“If Saturdays were shoes, they would be the comfiest, most stylish pair you own, perfect for lazy strolls and impromptu adventures.”

“Saturdays are like gold coins precious, coveted, and capable of buying you priceless moments of joy.”

“Saturdays are like gold coins precious, coveted, and capable of buying you priceless moments of joy.”

“Saturday is the day when worries and to-do lists are replaced by giggles and daydreams.”

“Saturdays: The secret ingredient that turns ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.”

“If Saturdays were emojis, they would be the ones with hearts in their eyes and smiles from ear to ear.”

“Saturday is the day when even time takes a break and watches as we indulge in the art of doing nothing.”

“Saturday is the day when even time takes a break and watches as we indulge in the art of doing nothing.”

“Saturdays are magical portals that transport you from the mundane to the extraordinary.”

“Saturdays are like a mini-vacation in the middle of the week a sneak peek of what retirement might feel like.”

“If happiness had a scent, it would smell like Saturday mornings and freshly brewed coffee.”

“Saturday is the day when your soul high-fives your inner child and says, ‘Let’s play!”

“Saturday is the day when your soul high-fives your inner child and says, ‘Let’s play!”

“On Saturday nights, I’m not anti-social; I’m pro-comfort.”

“Saturdays are like superheroes; they rescue you from the clutches of responsibility and bring joy to your doorstep.”

“If Saturdays were a song, they would be an infectious melody that gets stuck in your head and makes you smile.”

“Saturdays are the VIP section of the week, where only fun, laughter, and relaxation are allowed.”

“Saturdays are the VIP section of the week, where only fun, laughter, and relaxation are allowed.”

“Saturdays: The world’s way of telling you that you deserve a timeout from reality.”

“Saturday night is for finding the perfect balance between ‘I should go to bed early’ and ‘Just one more episode.”

“Saturday night is all about making memories, or at least attempting to remember what happened on Sunday morning.”

“Saturday night plans: Be as spontaneous as a text message autocorrect fail.”

“Saturday night plans: Be as spontaneous as a text message autocorrect fail.”

“Saturday night is the perfect time to stay up late making up excuses for all the things I didn’t do during the day.”

“Saturdays are for adventure; Saturday nights are for ordering takeout and watching someone else’s adventure on TV.”

“Saturday night is the one night a week when I don’t have to set an alarm and can sleep without any regrets.”

“Saturday night: When the stars come out, and so does my inner chef… for microwave popcorn.”

“Saturday night: When the stars come out, and so does my inner chef… for microwave popcorn.”

“Saturday night is the only night where you can do the same things you do on a Monday and somehow feel like a rockstar.”

“Saturday nights are like confetti: colorful, exciting, and sometimes all over the place.”

“Saturday night plans: Pajamas, snacks, and questionable dance moves in the living room.”

“Saturday night: When your bed is calling, but the fridge is singing love songs.”

“Saturday night: When your bed is calling, but the fridge is singing love songs.”

“Saturday nights are the closest thing we have to time travel one minute you’re dancing, and the next you’re waking up wondering how you ended up in bed.”

“Saturday nights are the perfect opportunity to unleash your inner party animal… or, in my case, party sloth.”

“Saturday nights are the roller coasters of the weekend thrilling, unpredictable, and often accompanied by a slight feeling of nausea.”

“Saturday nights: Where plans are made, postponed, and forgotten altogether.”

“Saturday nights: Where plans are made, postponed, and forgotten altogether.”

“The best part about Saturday nights is pretending you have your life together… at least until the alarm clock goes off on Monday.”

“Saturday nights: The official testing ground for questionable fashion choices and embarrassing dance moves.”

“Saturday nights are made for dancing like nobody’s watching…except for your pet, who’s silently judging you.”

“Saturday nights are like superhero capes; they give you the illusion of invincibility until Monday morning arrives.”

“Saturday nights are like superhero capes; they give you the illusion of invincibility until Monday morning arrives.”

“Saturday nights are like unicorns they start magical and end up blurry.”

“Saturday nights are like socks; they always manage to disappear.”

“Hey there, it’s Saturday! Time to put on your ‘weekend mode’ and enjoy every second of it.”

“Let’s be lazy together and make this the best day ever.”

“Let’s be lazy together and make this the best day ever.”

“Hi, Saturday! You’re like a long-lost friend who shows up every week to make me happy.”

“Saturday is here! If you need me, I’ll be in my blanket fort watching cartoons.”

“Good morning! It’s Saturday may your coffee be strong and your motivation be non-existent.”

“Happy Saturday! Time to trade my to-do list for a ta-da list.”

“Happy Saturday! Time to trade my to-do list for a ta-da list.”

“Hello, Saturday! I hope your coffee is hot and your pajamas are cozy.”

“Hey you, it’s Saturday! Do something today that your future self will thank you for—like taking a nap.”

“Saturday’s motto: ‘No alarms, no rush, no adulting.’ Enjoy!”

“Greetings from the laziest member of the human race. Happy Saturday!”

“Greetings from the laziest member of the human race. Happy Saturday!”

“Happy Saturday, the day that starts with ‘S’ and ends with ‘it’s too early to function.”

“Yo, it’s Saturday! Time to do the weekend warrior thing nap, snack, repeat.”

“Hi there! Just wanted to remind you that Saturday is like a superhero who always arrives just in time to save the weekend.”

“Saturday checklist: Sleep in, eat well, and laugh a lot. You’ve got this!”

“Saturday checklist: Sleep in, eat well, and laugh a lot. You’ve got this!”

“Rise and shine, or just hit snooze and enjoy your Saturday. Either way, it’s a win!”

“Today’s agenda: Netflix, snacks, and not setting an alarm for tomorrow.”

“Guess what day it is? Saturday! Let’s celebrate by pretending to be productive and then napping.”

“Hello, Saturday! If you were a person, I’d hug you and never let go. You’re my favorite.”

“Hello, Saturday! If you were a person, I’d hug you and never let go. You’re my favorite.”

“Greetings from the laziest person you know, on the laziest day of the week. Enjoy your Saturday!”

“Saturday called. It said it’s time to be a hero and rescue some wine trapped in a bottle. Cheers!”

“Hey there, happy Saturday! Remember, the early bird can have the worm—I’ll take brunch in bed, please!”

“Good morning! It’s Saturday, so today’s goal is to do as little as possible and enjoy it to the fullest.”

“Good morning! It’s Saturday, so today’s goal is to do as little as possible and enjoy it to the fullest.”

“Saturday is the day I planned to go to the gym, but then realized it’s a weekend and weekends are for relaxing… on the couch.”

“Saturday is the day when my coffee is recreational, not a necessity.”

“On Saturdays, I prefer a three-step plan: sleep until I’m hungry, eat until I’m sleepy, repeat.”

“Why is Saturday the best day? Because it’s a little closer to Sunday.”

“Why is Saturday the best day? Because it’s a little closer to Sunday.”

“Saturday mornings are for mimosas and pajamas.”

“Saturday: A day to sleep until you’re hungry and eat until you’re sleepy.”

“I’m not saying I’m Wonder Woman, but no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman in the same room on a Saturday morning.”

“Saturday is the day I actually have time to fold all the laundry… into a big, fluffy pile on the couch.”

“Saturday is the day I actually have time to fold all the laundry… into a big, fluffy pile on the couch.”

“My Saturday morning workout routine consists of a hearty breakfast and multiple trips to the fridge.”

“Saturday morning: The only morning you can sleep in without guilt.”

“Weekend forecast: Lazy with a 100% chance of Netflix.”

“Saturday: The day I planned a lot but actually do nothing.”

“Saturday: The day I planned a lot but actually do nothing.”

“I don’t always wake up early on Saturday, but when I do, it’s because the bed had other plans.”

“Saturday mornings are like finding money in your pocket unexpected and delightful.”

“Saturday mornings are my favorite superhero. They save me from alarm clock villains!”

“The snooze button was invented for Saturday mornings. It’s a scientific fact!”

“The snooze button was invented for Saturday mornings. It’s a scientific fact!”

“On Saturday mornings, I’m fluent in the language of snores.”

“Saturday mornings should be renamed ‘No Alarm Clock Required Day.”

“Saturday mornings are nature’s way of telling you to take a break from adulting.”

“I don’t do mornings… unless it’s a lazy Saturday morning!”

“I don’t do mornings… unless it’s a lazy Saturday morning!”

“Saturday mornings: When even coffee needs coffee to wake up.”

“Waking up on a Saturday morning is like discovering a surprise party you didn’t plan for.”

“Waking up on a Saturday morning is like discovering a surprise party you didn’t plan for.”

Funny Saturday Quotes And Images, Wishes, Messages

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